Free and Reduced-Fee Services
This resource guide provides contact information for local agencies that offer free legal services based on demographic and/or income qualifications. Please contact the agency to find more information on the requirements and to determine if you qualify.
Bankruptcy I Civil Rights I Consumer Law I Criminal Law | Domestic Violence I Environmental Law I Estate Planning I Family Law I Federal Tax Law
Housing Law I Immigration & Nationality I Intellectual Property I Legal Advice Helplines I Older Age Population - Legal Assistance
Probate & Guardianships I Property Tax Foreclosure I Small Business & Non-Profits
Agency Listing
(sorted by alphabetical order)
Provides comprehensive, low-cost legal aid in civil, probate, and immigration law to individuals and families seeking a secure future.
Phone: 210-433-3256
Visit Website: https://ccaosa.org/legal-services/
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people facing most forms of civil legal problems, including bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, accessing public benefits, landlord-tenant disputes, and litigating for civil and environmental rights.
Phone: 833-329-8752
Visit Website: https://www.trla.org/
Civil Rights
Provides legal assistance to people with disabilities whose rights are violated
Phone: 800-252-9108 (Intake Line)
Visit Website: https://www.disabilityrightstx.org/en/getting-help/how-to-apply-for-services/
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people facing most forms of civil legal problems, including bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, accessing public benefits, landlord-tenant disputes, and litigating for civil and environmental rights.
Phone: 833-329-8752
Visit Website: https://www.trla.org/
Consumer Law
Assisting with civil justice, criminal justice, and immigration & human rights
Phone: 210-431-2596
Housing Rights Clinic Phone: 210-570-6135
Provides comprehensive, low-cost legal aid in civil, probate, and immigration law to individuals and families seeking a secure future.
Phone: 210-433-3256
Visit Website: https://ccaosa.org/legal-services/
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people facing most forms of civil legal problems, including bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, accessing public benefits, landlord-tenant disputes, and litigating for civil and environmental rights.
Phone: 833-329-8752
Visit Website: https://www.trla.org/
Morales Padia Legal Aid is a legal aid nonprofit dedicated to providing access to justice to those who cannot afford it. Their mission is to ensure that everyone has equal access to legal representation and fair treatment under the law.
Domestic Violence
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people facing most forms of civil legal problems, including bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, accessing public benefits, landlord-tenant disputes, and litigating for civil and environmental rights.
Phone: 833-329-8752
Visit Website: https://www.trla.org/
Environmental Law
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people facing most forms of civil legal problems, including bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, accessing public benefits, landlord-tenant disputes, and litigating for civil and environmental rights.
Phone: 833-329-8752
Visit Website: https://www.trla.org/
Estate Planning
Morales Padia Legal Aid is a legal aid nonprofit dedicated to providing access to justice to those who cannot afford it. Their mission is to ensure that everyone has equal access to legal representation and fair treatment under the law.
Provides comprehensive, low-cost legal aid in civil, probate, and immigration law to individuals and families seeking a secure future.
Phone: 210-433-3256
Visit Website: https://ccaosa.org/legal-services/
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people facing most forms of civil legal problems, including bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, accessing public benefits, landlord-tenant disputes, and litigating for civil and environmental rights.
Phone: 833-329-8752
Visit Website: https://www.trla.org/
Family Law
Assisting with civil justice, criminal justice, and immigration & human rights
Phone: 210-431-2596
Housing Rights Clinic Phone: 210-570-6135
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people facing most forms of civil legal problems, including bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, accessing public benefits, landlord-tenant disputes, and litigating for civil and environmental rights.
Phone: 833-329-8752
Visit Website: https://www.trla.org/
Federal Tax Law
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people facing most forms of civil legal problems, including bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, accessing public benefits, landlord-tenant disputes, and litigating for civil and environmental rights.
Phone: 833-329-8752
Visit Website: https://www.trla.org/
Housing Law
The City of San Antonio Neighborhood and Housing Services Office offers a wide variety of housing services including legal assistance, renter support, landlord/tenant mediation, home repair programs, and more. Visit their website here for more information.
Assisting with civil justice, criminal justice, and immigration & human rights
Phone: 210-431-2596
Housing Rights Clinic Phone: 210-570-6135
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people facing most forms of civil legal problems, including bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, accessing public benefits, landlord-tenant disputes, and litigating for civil and environmental rights.
Phone: 833-329-8752
Visit Website: https://www.trla.org/
Immigration & Nationality
Provide low-cost immigration services by Department of Justice accredited representatives. Open Monday - Thursday from 10 am to 5 pm. Appointment only. Visit their website for further details. Phone: 210-326-3273
Assisting with civil justice, criminal justice, and immigration & human rights
Phone: 210-431-2596
Housing Rights Clinic Phone: 210-570-6135
Free or low-cost immigration services
Phone: 210-222-0964
Visit Website: https://www.raicestexas.org/what-we-do/legalservices/
Immigration services
Phone: 210-521-4768 x232
Screening Clinic, Walk-in, 9am-2pm, Mon-Thu
2300 W. Commerce St, Suite 313
Visit Website: https://www.americangateways.org/get-help
Provides comprehensive, low-cost legal aid in civil, probate, and immigration law to individuals and families seeking a secure future.
Phone: 210-433-3256
Visit Website: https://ccaosa.org/legal-services/
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people facing most forms of civil legal problems, including bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, accessing public benefits, landlord-tenant disputes, and litigating for civil and environmental rights.
Phone: 833-329-8752
Visit Website: https://www.trla.org/
Intellectual Property
Services include lawyer and accountant pro bono assistance for artists, patent pro bono assistance for inventors, dispute resolution services, and educational programs for the artistic and business communities.
Phone: 512-459-8252
Visit Website: https://www.talarts.org/
Legal Advice Hotlines
LiveChat connects you with an attorney, paralegal, or law student in real-time. They can help you better understand legal information on the website and—in some cases—provide legal advice.
Virtual legal advice clinic for qualifying users.
Visit Website: https://texas.freelegalanswers.org
Older Age Population - Legal Assistance
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people facing most forms of civil legal problems, including bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, accessing public benefits, landlord-tenant disputes, and litigating for civil and environmental rights.
Phone: 833-329-8752
Visit Website: https://www.trla.org/
Probate/ Guardianships
Provides comprehensive, low-cost legal aid in civil, probate, and immigration law to individuals and families seeking a secure future.
Phone: 210-433-3256
Visit Website: https://ccaosa.org/legal-services/
SALSA (San Antonio Legal Services Association) offers pro-bono limited scope advice, limited scope representation, or full scope representation to those who qualify. San Antonio Bar Association is proud to be a Founding Partner of SALSA, supporting their mission to increase access to justice for low-income individuals and families. Visit their website to find more information on their current legal clinics and programs. SALSA is currently offering services in the following areas:
Estates & Disability Program - Wills Clinic, Small Estate Help Desk, Deed Help Desk , Transfer on Death Deed (TODD) Clinic, The Multi-Assistance Center (MAC) Clinic (at Morgan’s Wonderland)
Housing & Homelessness Program - JP 1 Eviction Appeal Help Desk, Haven for Hope Legal Assistance Clinic
Veterans Program - Veterans General Legal Advice Clinic, Veterans Virtual Legal Help Desk
Children & Youth Law - Don’t Bully Me Project
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people facing most forms of civil legal problems, including bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, accessing public benefits, landlord-tenant disputes, and litigating for civil and environmental rights.
Phone: 833-329-8752
Visit Website: https://www.trla.org/
Property Tax Foreclosure
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people facing most forms of civil legal problems, including bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, accessing public benefits, landlord-tenant disputes, and litigating for civil and environmental rights.
Phone: 833-329-8752
Visit Website: https://www.trla.org/
Small Business & Non-Profits
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people facing most forms of civil legal problems, including bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, accessing public benefits, landlord-tenant disputes, and litigating for civil and environmental rights.
Phone: 833-329-8752
Visit Website: https://www.trla.org/